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Offered By: IBMSystems

z/OS System Services Structure

This course presents the structure and control blocks of the z/OS BCP and system services. It prepares the new z/OS system programmer to identify potential bottlenecks and performance problems, perform initial error symptom gathering, and identify opportunities and requirements for tailoring an z/OS system. This course also provides prerequisite information needed for further training in specialized areas such as system measurement and tuning and system problem determination.

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At a Glance

This course presents the structure and control blocks of the z/OS BCP and system services. It prepares the new z/OS system programmer to identify potential bottlenecks and performance problems, perform initial error symptom gathering, and identify opportunities and requirements for tailoring an z/OS system. This course also provides prerequisite information needed for further training in specialized areas such as system measurement and tuning and system problem determination.

Course Syllabus

Module 1: z/OS System Introduction
Module 2: Operating Environment Initialization
Module 3: Task Management
Module 4: Addressability
Module 5: Input/Output Supervisor
Module 6: Storage Management
Module 7: Recovery Termination Manager


Earn a badge after successful course completion and quiz.

This credential earner has demonstrated the ability to identify potential bottlenecks and performance problems, perform initial error symptom gathering, and identify opportunities and requirements for tailoring a z/OS system.

Estimated Effort

30 Hours



Skills You Will Learn

Addressing, IBM Z, IT Architect, Storage, System Programmer



Course Code


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