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Give Meaningful Names To Your Photos With IMG Captioning AI

Transform your photo library by replacing those useless image names (like 'image09321.jpg') with meaningful ones, all thanks to generative AI. In this project, use Python and AI to caption your images automatically. Describe any photo, from the web or your device, without needing an API key!"

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Guided Project

Artificial Intelligence

68 Enrolled
(7 Reviews)

At a Glance

Transform your photo library by replacing those useless image names (like 'image09321.jpg') with meaningful ones, all thanks to generative AI. In this project, use Python and AI to caption your images automatically. Describe any photo, from the web or your device, without needing an API key!"

Imagine this: You're in a media company, surrounded by thousands of unnamed pictures like 'image000174'. It's a real headache to find the right picture when you need one. But what if there was a simpler way? 

Our project introduces an automated Image Captioning AI. This clever tool doesn't just look at pictures - it understands them, and, then it creates a text file that acts as an index, giving images meaningful descriptions about what's inside. This way, finding the right picture becomes easy, helping you work more efficiently and making your job a lot easier.
Image captioning can make images more visible.
In fact, images, rich with untapped information, often fly under the radar of search engines and data systems. Transforming this visual data into machine-readable language is no easy task, but it's where image captioning AI shines. Here's how image captioning AI can make a difference:
  1. Improves accessibility: Helps visually impaired individuals understand visual content.
  2. Enhances SEO: Assists search engines in identifying the content of images.
  3. Facilitates content discovery: Enables efficient analysis and categorization of large image databases.
  4. Supports social media and advertising: Automates engaging description generation for visual content.
  5. Aids in education and research: Assists in understanding and interpreting visual materials.
  6. Offers multilingual support: Generates image captions in various languages for international audiences.
  7. Enables data organization: Helps manage and categorize large sets of visual data.
  8. Saves time: Automated captioning is more efficient than manual efforts.
  9. Finds duplicated images: Find similar images with same content and remove duplicants.

A Look at the Project Ahead

In this project:
1. We first implement an image captioning tool utilizing the BLIP model from Hugging Face's Transformers.

2. Next, we employ Gradio to provide a user-friendly interface for our image captioning application.

3. Finally, we adapt the automated tool for real-world business scenarios, demonstrating its practical applications by extracting images from URLs and generating captions.

IBM has a special offer for watsonx.ai, a studio for new foundation models, generative AI and machine learning. To take advantage of this offer visit watsonx.ai homepage. 

What You'll Need

Basic knowledge of Python.

Estimated Effort

45 Min




Information Technology

Skills You Will Learn

Generative AI, Python



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