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Offered By: IBM

Create and Deploy Your First Kubernetes Pod

In this guided project, you will explore Kubernetes container management by creating and deploying a pod and seeing how Kubernetes handles load balancing.

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Guided Project


1.98k+ Enrolled
(464 Reviews)

At a Glance

In this guided project, you will explore Kubernetes container management by creating and deploying a pod and seeing how Kubernetes handles load balancing.

Kubernetes, the leader in container orchestration, manages large clusters of containers. Kubernetes provides a way to schedule, deploy, and scale containers.

In this guided project, you will explore the container world with Kubernetes and expand your repertoire of database management skills. Using the Kubernetes command line interface (CLI), you will discover how to get cluster information. You will create a Kubernetes pod and execute a variety of commands to extract information about it. You will practice imperative object configuration, which lets you create objects by specifying the action to take (like create, update, and delete) while using a configuration file. Then you will create a pod by using a declarative command, which is ideal for a production environment. You will see how Kubernetes handles load balancing with your new application.

This guided project will prepare you to gain expertise with Kubernetes database as a service (DBaaS) management.

A Look at the Project Ahead
Once you have completed this project, you'll be able to:
  • Use the kubectl CLI
  • Create a Kubernetes Pod
  • Create a Kubernetes Deployment
  • Create a ReplicaSet that maintains a set number of replicas
  • Witness Kubernetes load balancing in action

What You’ll Need
Just a web browser and an IBM Cloud account!

Everything else is provided to you via the IBM Skills Network Labs environment. This platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.
Knowledge of command-line interface (CLI) usage will be helpful.

Your Instructors
Upkar Lidder
Alex Parker

Estimated Effort

30 Min



Skills You Will Learn

DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes



Course Code


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