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Launch your tech career with our courses on AI, Data Science and other emerging technologies.
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1 Course and 9 Guided Projects
Generative AI
Generative AI, popularized by ChatGPT, enables machines to produce original content like art, music, and human-like text, revolutionizing creativity.

4 Guided Projects
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning as a learning technique proves very applicable across domains such as robotics, gaming, autonomous vehicles, etc.

4 Guided Projects
Time Series
Embrace the 4th dimension: Time. Take advantage of time series analysis to understand events as they unfold in real-time.

We have expert instructors and curated hands-on content
Learn from the experts: our team of experienced developers, data scientists, and more, design and teach our courses with interactive labs and projects with real-world problems. Solidify your understanding and receive practical, industry-relevant knowledge and skills.
Trusted by 3 Million Learners
Join a community of 3 million global learners, with a proven track record of success: millions of enrollments, certifications, and stellar ratings.

Experiment with the Latest Technology for Free
Explore Large Language Models (LLMs) without the need to download external libraries and set up API keys. Run your applications seamlessly in a Jupyter notebook or IDE environment.
Don't Know Where to Start?
Check Out Our Learning Paths!

3 Courses
3 hours
Fundamentals of AI
AI, Ethics
21K Enrolled
4.6 (6k Reviews)

5 Courses
6.5 hours
Machine Learning Basics
Python, Data Science
9K Enrolled
4.6 (2k Reviews)
7 Courses
3.75 hours
Unsupervised Machine Learning
Clustering, Data Visualization
1K Enrolled
4.6 (354 Reviews)

3 Courses
3 hours
Computer Vision Hands-on with PyTorch
AI, Computer Vision
3.5K Enrolled
4.6 (537 Reviews)

4 Courses
5 hours
Enhancing Applications with Embeddable AI
AI, Python, JavaScript, NLP
11K Enrolled
4.5 (1k Reviews)

3 Courses
11 hours
Data Science Fundamentals
Python, Data Science
189K Enrolled
4.5 (13K reviews)