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Offered By: IBM

Deploy a Serverless App for Image Processing

In this project you will learn about Serverless Computing, will practice deploying a real application to a serverless environment based on IBM Cloud Code Engine powered by Kubernetes and Knative open source projects.

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Guided Project

1.45k+ Enrolled
(55 Reviews)

At a Glance

In this project you will learn about Serverless Computing, will practice deploying a real application to a serverless environment based on IBM Cloud Code Engine powered by Kubernetes and Knative open source projects.

About This Guided Project

You probably have heard Serverless Computing, Lambda, Kubernetes, Knative and other buzzwords thrown arround. By the time you complete this project in only 30 minutes you will not just learn how to play buzword bingo, you will actually deploy your first cloud native application in to a serverless infrastructure. You will see how your app will scale with user demand and how it can scale to zero so it costs you absolutely nothing when people are not actively using your app. You will understand how the new kind of serverless computing based on Kubernates and Knative is a real game changer for testing and experimenting with ideas and how invaluable it is when launching MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

In this project you will be using IBM Cloud Code Engine to deploy a simple app that creates thumbnails for photo images. The goal of the project is not to develop such app but to learn how to deploy any type of an app in to a modern serverless environment powered by Kubernetes and Knative, specifically, IBM Cloud Code Engine.


You will need to create an IBM Cloud account and secure it with a credit card. The free resources allowed by the IBM Cloud Code Engine should be sufficient to complete this project and your credit card will not be charged if you stay within the free resource limits of your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to install any software to participate in this project?

Everything you need to complete this project will be provided to you via the Skills Network Labs and it will all be available via a standard web browser.

What web browser should I use?

The Skills Network Labs platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

Estimated Effort

1 Hour



Skills You Will Learn

Cloud Computing, IBM Cloud, Image Processing, Kubernetes, Serverless



Course Code


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