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Offered By: IBMSkillsNetwork

Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning Essentials

Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning are more advanced techniques and areas of Machine Learning. These techniques, centred around multi-layer neural networks, are important drivers behind the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In just a couple of hours, this course will provide a quick introduction to both Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning and will even get you to apply these techniques in a hands-on exercise.

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Machine Learning

2.55k+ Enrolled
(1.1k+ Reviews)

At a Glance

Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning are more advanced techniques and areas of Machine Learning. These techniques, centred around multi-layer neural networks, are important drivers behind the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In just a couple of hours, this course will provide a quick introduction to both Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning and will even get you to apply these techniques in a hands-on exercise.

By actively engaging with the course content, including video lectures, quizzes, and a hands-on lab, you will develop the skills and confidence necessary to effectively apply your newfound knowledge. 

Course Syllabus

Module 1
  • Reinforcement Learning
Module 2
  • Introduction to Deep Learning
Module 3
  • Key Concepts in Neural Networks and Training
Module 4
  • Deep Learning Frameworks in Python
  • Hands-on Lab: Deep Learning in Python

Recommended Skills Prior to Taking this Course

  • Basic knowledge of Python programming language.

Estimated Effort

2 Hours



Skills You Will Learn

Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Deep Learning, Keras, Machine Learning, PyTorch



Course Code


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