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Offered By: IBM

Using R with Databases

The intent of this course is to teach you how to unlock the power and magic of R to analyze data in relational databases. It will show you how to connect to relational databases, access and query the database, update and modify the data, analyze it and perform simple visualizations.

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R Programming

4.42k+ Enrolled
(87 Reviews)

At a Glance

The intent of this course is to teach you how to unlock the power and magic of R to analyze data in relational databases. It will show you how to connect to relational databases, access and query the database, update and modify the data, analyze it and perform simple visualizations.

About This Course

  • Do you want to leverage the power of R to unlock the value of data in relational databases?
  • Are you a SQL professional and looking to get skilled in data science?
  • Are the limits of R programming language preventing you from analyzing very large data sets?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is for you. It will introduce you to the benefits of using R with databases. Teach you how to connect to databases from R. Show you how to create database objects, populate the database, and issue SQL queries to retrieve and modify your data from R. The course will also delve into advanced topics of using stored procedures and utilizing in-database analytics with R. 

Course Syllabus

  • Module 1 - R and Relational Databases
  • Module 2 - Connecting to Relational Databases using RJDBC and RODBC
  • Module 3 - Database Design and Querying Data
  • Module 4 - Modifying Data and Using Stored Procedures
  • Module 5 - In-Database Analytics with R

Recommended skills prior to taking this course

  • None

Grading scheme

  • The minimum passing mark for the course is 70%



Course Staff

Rav Ahuja

Rav Ahuja is a Senior Manager with IBM Canada Lab specializing in Data Science and Big Data analytics. He is part of the Emerging Technologies team and is involved in incubating offerings for Data and Analytics Professionals. Rav also leads the work on partnerships and private portals for BDU. He presents at events worldwide and has authored numerous papers, articles, books and courses on subjects in managing and analyzing data. Rav holds B. Eng. from McGill University and MBA from University of Western Ontario.

Grant Hutchison

Grant Hutchison had worked with IBM for 18 years as Senior Engineer and Manager at IBM Canada (1991-2009). He held various roles including: Software Development, Support, Quality Assurance, Marketing, Sales, Training, and Product Management. Since 2010, he has been focusing himself as a computer science teacher in Toronto District School Board. He has two Bachelor’s degrees and a Master degree in software engineering from three well-known universities in Ontario, Canada. Grant Hutchison published a book, and holds a patent in software system and database.

 We would like to acknowledge Sandeep Sasha Joy for updating the labs in the course. 





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