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Testing a MicroProfile or Jakarta EE application using Micro

Learn how to use MicroShed Testing to test a MicroProfile or Jakarta EE application.

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Guided Project

Open Liberty

50 Enrolled

At a Glance

Learn how to use MicroShed Testing to test a MicroProfile or Jakarta EE application.

You’ll start with an existing REST application that runs on Open Liberty and use MicroShed Testing to write tests for the application that exercise the application in a Docker container.
Sometimes tests might pass in development and testing (dev/test) environments, but fail in production because the application runs differently in production than in dev/test. Fortunately, you can minimize these differences between dev/test and production by testing your application in the same Docker container that you’ll use in production.

What is Docker?

Docker is a tool that you can use to deploy and run applications with containers. You can think of Docker as a virtual machine that runs various applications. However, unlike with a typical virtual machine, you can run these applications simultaneously on a single system and independent of one another.
Learn more about Docker on the official Docker website.

Created by 

The Open Liberty Project team

Estimated Effort

20 Minutes





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