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Offered By: IBM

Statistical Analysis and Visualization for Marketing

This lab is dedicated to loading, pre-preparation, basic statistical analysis and visualization in marketing based on personal anonymized customer data and the sales impact of marketing companies. The goal is to determine the impact of marketing campaigns on different groups of customer.

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Guided Project

Data Analysis

731 Enrolled
(122 Reviews)

At a Glance

This lab is dedicated to loading, pre-preparation, basic statistical analysis and visualization in marketing based on personal anonymized customer data and the sales impact of marketing companies. The goal is to determine the impact of marketing campaigns on different groups of customer.

This Lab explains how to create and utilise DataSets for your ML models.  

What you will learn

In this lab, we will learn how to download data, prepare it for processing, perform basic statistical analysis and visualize the outcomes. 

This lab consist of the following steps:
  • Data download - download and display data from a file
  • Data preparation - preliminary analysis of data structure, change of data and table structure
  • Statistical analysis - basic statistical analysis
  • Data visualization - use variety of graphs to present the output of analysis
At the end of this lab, you will know how to automate data preparation by practicing on real-world data sets examples and how to visualize data sets in tabular or graphs reports.


Estimated Effort

1 Hour





Skills You Will Learn

Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning



Course Code


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