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Offered By: IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork

Robots are coming! Build IoT apps with Watson, Swift, and Node-RED

Learn how to program a simple robot (TJBot) to move its arm, recognize objects, flash a light, speak, and more. You can build simple apps to control TJBot by using Node.js or even Node-RED. If you don't want to purchase the TJBot, you use a simulator instead.

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Machine Learning

8.12k+ Enrolled

At a Glance

Learn how to program a simple robot (TJBot) to move its arm, recognize objects, flash a light, speak, and more. You can build simple apps to control TJBot by using Node.js or even Node-RED. If you don't want to purchase the TJBot, you use a simulator instead.

Estimated Effort

3 Hours



Skills You Will Learn

IoT, Node-RED, Swift



Course Code


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