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Offered By: IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork

Modernizing Java EE Applications

Learn about the techniques and tools available to take existing applications and update them to run on Cloud Native computing platforms. Complete this course to level up in your understanding of modernization and migration options and earn an IBM Badge.

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At a Glance

Learn about the techniques and tools available to take existing applications and update them to run on Cloud Native computing platforms. Complete this course to level up in your understanding of modernization and migration options and earn an IBM Badge.

There's a shift underway to move current IT to a cloud operational model. Already, many enterprise developers are building new features on the cloud and have migrated some of the less mission-critical workloads. But what should developers consider in modernizing legacy Java EE applications with complex structures and interactions with enterprise messaging and data services? In this course, we'll talk about IBM's approach to modernizing this class of applications and provide demonstrations of key concepts. Over the course of three modules, you'll see different methods to migrate applications, the role of containers in the journey and how microservices are foundational to cloud native capabilities. The demos will consider the journey of an example WebSphere online store application through the process.

Estimated Effort

6 Hours



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