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Offered By: IBM

Getting Started with OpenShift

In this guided project, you will discover the power of OpenShift by using the web console to build a container image, push the image to a registry, and create a deployment that references that image. Then you will expose the application to the Internet with a hostname. You will also learn about some basic oc commands.

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Guided Project


725 Enrolled
(222 Reviews)

At a Glance

In this guided project, you will discover the power of OpenShift by using the web console to build a container image, push the image to a registry, and create a deployment that references that image. Then you will expose the application to the Internet with a hostname. You will also learn about some basic oc commands.

OpenShift is a hybrid cloud Kubernetes application platform. OpenShift orchestrates containers and provides additional tooling around the complete lifecycle of applications, from build and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) to monitoring and logging.

In this guided project you will perform operations on an OpenShift project by using both the oc command line interface (CLI), which is the OpenShift CLI, and the web console. An OpenShift project is a Kubernetes namespace with additional administrative functions. The oc CLI includes a copy of kubectl, which is the Kubernetes CLI. You can run kubectl commands with oc along with additional OpenShift-specific objects and functionality. Here you will execute basic commands to list pods in a namespace, get specific objects, and view the OpenShift project.

Then you will open and explore the OpenShift web console, which is a useful and powerful feature. You will see how OpenShift provide project details in an intuitive manner. You will look at operators, different Kubernetes objects, and OpenShift-specific objects.

OpenShift supports different personas. You will view both the Administrator perspective and the Developer perspective, which you will use to deploy an application. You will see how you can get a vivid visual representation of applications in the Topology view. You will create a source-to-image application and use the quick links in the Topology view to get visuals of the pod, the service, and other important parts of your application. Then you will view the logs to see a history of key completed steps.

This guided project will give you a great start in using OpenShift as an extension of Kubernetes.

A Look at the Project Ahead
Once you have completed this project, you'll be able to:
  • Use the oc CLI
  • Use the OpenShift web console
  • Build and deploy an application using s2i
  • Inspect a BuildConfig and an ImageStream

What You’ll Need
Just a web browser and an IBM Cloud account!

Everything else is provided to you via the IBM Skills Network Labs environment. This platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

Knowledge of command line interface (CLI) usage will be helpful.

Your Instructors
Upkar Lidder
Alex Parker

Estimated Effort

30 Minutes



Skills You Will Learn




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