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Documenting RESTful APIs using MicroProfile OpenAPI

Explore how to document and filter RESTful APIs from code or static files by using MicroProfile OpenAPI.

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Guided Project

Open Liberty

127 Enrolled

At a Glance

Explore how to document and filter RESTful APIs from code or static files by using MicroProfile OpenAPI.

You will learn how to document and filter RESTful APIs from annotations, POJOs, and static OpenAPI files by using MicroProfile OpenAPI.

The OpenAPI specification, previously known as the Swagger specification, defines a standard interface for documenting and exposing RESTful APIs. This specification allows both humans and computers to understand or process the functionalities of services without requiring direct access to underlying source code or documentation. The MicroProfile OpenAPI specification provides a set of Java interfaces and programming models that allow Java developers to natively produce OpenAPI v3 documents from their JAX-RS applications.

You will document the RESTful APIs of the provided inventory service, which serves two endpoints, inventory/systems and inventory/properties. These two endpoints function the same way as in the other MicroProfile guides.
Before you proceed, note that the 1.0 version of the MicroProfile OpenAPI specification does not define how the /openapi endpoint may be partitioned in the event of multiple JAX-RS applications running on the same server. In other words, you must stick to one JAX-RS application per server instance as the behaviour for handling multiple applications is currently undefined.

Created by 

The Open Liberty Project team

Estimated Effort

1 Hour





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