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Building a RESTful API with Express

In this guided project, you will create a simple Restful API using Express. The emphasis of the project is on understanding the REST protocol and getting started with Express by creating an API that allows the client to handle information about chilies.

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Guided Project


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At a Glance

In this guided project, you will create a simple Restful API using Express. The emphasis of the project is on understanding the REST protocol and getting started with Express by creating an API that allows the client to handle information about chilies.


An API, or Application Programming Interface is a way for different programs to communicate with one another. There are many different standard formats and architectures of APIs, a common one being a REST API. In general, the development of REST APIs can be complicated, luckily, we have libraries such as ExpressJS. This allows us to simplify the development process by abstracting away much of the technical and tedious details of setting up a server. In this guided project, you will get to try your hand at developing a REST API and appreciate the benefits of using Express. Reap the benefits of learning these valuable skills that make you a more effective programmer by taking this Guided Project today.

A Look at the Project Ahead

After completing this guided project, you will be able to:
- Recognize Restful design constraints
- Use the Express framework to implement a server side application
- Demonstrate a high level understanding of HTTP requests and responses
- Implement an API while following good practices

Estimated Effort

1 Hour



Skills You Will Learn

API, JavaScript, REST



Course Code


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