Offered By: IBM
Scan an Image for Vulnerabilities and Configuration Flaws with Trivy
Deploying container images with security vulnerabilities opens you and your company to serious danger. An image with known vulnerabilities can destroy your reputation, open your company up to legal challenges, and can cause you to lose your job. Fortunately, scanning container images can be easy, inexpensive, and even free. In this project, you will use Trivy, an open-source tool to scan container configuration file and container image.
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Cloud Development
181 EnrolledAt a Glance
Deploying container images with security vulnerabilities opens you and your company to serious danger. An image with known vulnerabilities can destroy your reputation, open your company up to legal challenges, and can cause you to lose your job. Fortunately, scanning container images can be easy, inexpensive, and even free. In this project, you will use Trivy, an open-source tool to scan container configuration file and container image.
A Look at the Project Ahead
- Select an optimal parent image needed to create a container image, by
- Using up-to-date parent images to reduce vulnerability count
- Using slim/minimal images to reduce unnecessary components
- Check the configuration for any security weaknesses
- Ensure your Docker container is aligned with the best security practices
What You’ll Need
Your Instructors
Estimated Effort
1 Hour
Course Code