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OpenShift Tekton Pipelines for CI-CD

Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines, based on Tekton open source project, is the next generation of technology for Continous Integration/Continous Deployment (CI/CD). Learn how to create and run OpenShift Pipelines to enable your very own CI/CD process.

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Guided Project

Cloud Development

256 Enrolled
(38 Reviews)

At a Glance

Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines, based on Tekton open source project, is the next generation of technology for Continous Integration/Continous Deployment (CI/CD). Learn how to create and run OpenShift Pipelines to enable your very own CI/CD process.

OpenShift Pipelines is a cloud-native, continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) solution for building pipelines using [Tekton](https://tekton.dev). Tekton is a flexible, Kubernetes-native, open-source CI/CD framework that enables automating deployments across multiple platforms (Kubernetes, serverless, VMs, etc) by abstracting away the underlying details.

OpenShift Pipelines features:
* Standard CI/CD pipeline definition based on Tekton
* Build images with Kubernetes tools such as S2I, Buildah, Buildpacks, Kaniko, etc
* Deploy applications to multiple platforms such as Kubernetes, serverless and VMs
* Easy to extend and integrate with existing tools
* Scale pipelines on-demand
* Portable across any Kubernetes platform
* Designed for microservices and decentralized teams
* Integrated with the OpenShift Developer Console

This project walks you through pipeline concepts and how to create and run a simple pipeline for building and deploying a containerized app on OpenShift, and in this project, we will use `Triggers` to handle a real GitHub webhook request to kickoff a PipelineRun.

In this project you will:
* Learn about Tekton concepts
* Deploy a Sample Application
* Install Tasks
* Create a Pipeline
* Trigger a Pipeline

#### Acknowledgment
This project is based on the excellent tutorial produced by the OpenShift community.

Estimated Effort

1 Hour



Skills You Will Learn

DevOps, Kubernetes, SRE



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