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Offered By: IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork

Build Swift Mobile Apps with Watson AI Services

Build three AI iOS apps in the cloud by using Watson services so that you can analyze the emotion and sentiment in text, recognize what's in a photo, and convert text to speech.

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At a Glance

Build three AI iOS apps in the cloud by using Watson services so that you can analyze the emotion and sentiment in text, recognize what's in a photo, and convert text to speech.

In this short course, you'll learn how to write three mobile apps in Swift on iOS that use the IBM Watson Cloud Developer SDK to access the Watson service. You'll learn how to write those applications by using the following Watson services: - Watson Natural Language Understanding: A collection of APIs that provide text analysis by processing natural language. For this course, you'll use this service to identify the sentiment and emotion in text. -Visual Recognition: Analyzes images for scenes, objects, people, signs, and other content. With this service, you’ll provide a URL to an image that your application will identify. - Text to Speech: Synthesizes natural-sounding speech from input text in a variety of languages and voices that speak with appropriate cadence and intonation. IBM Watson AI services, which are hosted on IBM Cloud, can be accessed through RESTful API calls. You’ll learn how to call these services from your Swift application.

Estimated Effort

2.5 Hours





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