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Offered By: IBM

Advanced Machine Learning Analysis for Marketing

This lab is dedicated to learnig the Advanced Machine Learning methods for analysis of Retail based on 3 years sales data for 45 stores located in different regions - each store contains a number of departments.

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Guided Project

Artificial Intelligence

582 Enrolled
(81 Reviews)

At a Glance

This lab is dedicated to learnig the Advanced Machine Learning methods for analysis of Retail based on 3 years sales data for 45 stores located in different regions - each store contains a number of departments.

One challenge of modelling retail data is the need to make decisions based on limited data. During the holidays and select major events there is an increase in sales, as well as the chance to see how strategic decisions impacts the bottom line. Discounts and promotions can also affect sales. The goal of this lab is to predict which departments will be affected and to what extent.

The main problems to be solved are the use of advanced methods of machine learning to:
  1. predict the department-wide sales for each store;
  2. model the effects of markdowns on holiday weeks;
  3. provide marketing recommended actions based on the insights drawn, with prioritization placed on largest business impact.

What you will learn

After completing this lab, you will be able to:
  • Download a DataSet from *.csv files
  • Merge DataSets
  • Make autocorrelation analisys
  • Transform DataSet accordingly Lag shift
  • Apply basic and advanced methods of machine learning such a: Linear regression, Back-Propagation and Reccurent Neural Networks
  • Calculate accuracy of models
  • Make forecasting
  • Calculate and analyze sensitivity of models

Estimated Effort

2 Hours





Skills You Will Learn

Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning



Course Code


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